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Fiction, nonfiction and more by award-winning writer C.M. Mayo.

Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution:
Francisco I. Madero and His Secret Book, Spiritist Manual
By C.M. Mayo
Kindle (price varies) ISBN 978-0-9852781-0-6
Paperback $14.95 ISBN-10:0-9887970-0-3
Librarians: This book is available from Ingram

"In my fifteen years of researching the life of President Francisco I. Madero, I have never read a more complete book as the one just written by C.M. Mayo. It will simply surprise any reader. The research is impeccable and the narrative well-rounded."
Manuel Guerra de Luna,
author of Los Madero: La Saga Liberal

"Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution paints a complex picture of a curious crossroads in history, where the rise and fall of a regime coincided with a spiritual and social awakening with the potential to rewrite a country's future. Kudos to Mayo for introducing us to both the man and his message."
San Francisco Book Review

"Mayo... provides not only an English translation of Madero's Spiritist Manual, but also a lively intoduction... The author argues effectively that Madero's manual is essential to understanding his revolutionary zeal."
Kirkus Reviews

"In this delightfully engaging book, C.M. Mayo brings to vivid light an aspect of Mexican history astonishingly neglected by most historians: the Spiritist beliefs and practices of Francisco Madero, instigator and first leader of the world-historical event that was the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Fruit of considerable research, this volume includes the first translation into English of Madero's Spiritist Manual, itself an invaluable contribution to the historical record."
José Skinner, University of Texas-Pan American

New in Kindle!

C.M. Mayo's longform essay on the Mexican literary landscape and the power of the book:

"Dispatch from the Sister Republic or,
Papelito Habla"

> Read excerpts now

The Building of Quality By C.M. Mayo

The novelesque short story priginally published in the Kenyon Review. By the author of the novel The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire and Sky Over El Nido, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award.

Or, download the beautifully designed and formatted PDF e-book for $.99:

From Mexico to Miramar or, Across the Lake of Oblivion
By C.M. Mayo

A nonfiction novela about a fairytale: a visit to the Maximilian von Habsburg's Italian castle

Originally published in the Massachusetts Review; winner of the Washington Writing Prize for Best Personal Essay. By the author of the novel The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire and Sky Over El Nido, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award.

Download the beautifully designed and formatted PDF e-book for $1.99:

El último príncipe del Imperio Mexicano
Por C.M. Mayo (traducción de Agustín Cadena)

Novela basada en la increíble y verdadera historia del desconocido nieto de Agustín de Iturbide, a quien Maximiliano de Habsburgo "adoptó," convirtiéndolo en el presunto heredero de su imperio. Desde el momento de publicación en México, se ha considerado como novela clásica sobre el breve y convulsivo reinado del emperador Maximiliano y su corte. La prosa de C.M. Mayo conduce al lector a sentir el México de esos años, el sabor de la comida, el olor de las especias y las flores, el calor. Mayo escribe para los sentidos, y para todas las épocas. El último príncipe del Imperio mexicano es una historia al mismo tiempo arrolladora e íntima, una historia sobre la geopolítica, el glamour del poder, los oscuros laberintos de la ambición, y sobre todo, la historia de un niño que al final no fue un príncipe sino un pequeño que pertenecía a sus padres.

"Partiendo de una concienzuda y afortunada búsqueda en archivos públicos y privados, Mayo logró reunir un caudal de información notable de la que hace uso con bastante desenvoltura....No me queda sino celebrar esta novela, que, comenzando lentamente, termina subyugando por su notable narración."
Pablo Soler Frost, Letras Libres

"En México se han escrito novelas históricas que recrean con erudición, maestría y poesía una época, un episodio, una atmósfera y unos personajes. Pienso, desde luego, en Noticias del imperio de Fernando del Paso; también en la obra de Enrique Serna sobre Santa Anna o la reciente novela de C.M. Mayo: El último príncipe del Imperio Mexicano, sobre el nieto de Iturbide en la corte de Maximiliano."
Enrique Krauze

"El último príncipe del Imperio Mexicano no es una biografía... O para decirlo más acertadamente, es mucho más que una biografía. Se trata de una historia apasionada y original sobre ese experimento trágico, heroico, cruel, cómico y hasta absurdo que fue el breve gobierno de Maximiliano de Habsburgo en México. Para escribir la crónica de esa epopeya, la autora, C.M. Mayo, se involucró en un esfuerzo de investigación monumental. De no haber ocurrido de esa manera, el producto editorial habría resultado muy diferente y, por supuesto, de meor calidad... La perseverencia en este tipo de indagaciones resulta fundamental. Es la histamina que impulsa la exploración sin truega y que la autora nos comparte en esa suerte de confesión intelectual que es el epílogo de su conmovedor libro."
EduardoTurrent, El Economista

A novel based on the true story. A Library Journal Best Book of 2009 in English and a widely-lauded best-seller in Mexico.

Please note: this book is currently in print, available in a paperback edition from Grijalbo Random House-Mondadori.

original English version is now available in paperback and Kindle from Unbridled Books.)

Miraculous Air:
Journey of a Thousand Miles through Baja California, the Other Mexico

By C.M. Mayo

"With elegant prose and an artist's eye for detail, Mayo may just have written one of the best books ever about Baja California. Highly recommended"
Library Journal

"Ay, if only I had been at C.M. Mayo's side in her rendezvous through Baja California... My recourse is her joyful, intellectually sparkling chronicle"
Ilan Stavans,
author of The Hispanic Condition

"A luminous exploration of Baja California, from its southern tip at Cabo San Lucas to its 'lost city' of Tijuana... [Mayo] takes the fiction writer's impulse and blends it with the instincts of a journalist to create a work of nonfiction that elides into modern myth"
Los Angeles Times Book Review

Manta Ray By C.M. Mayo

A short story originally published in Natural Bridge; subsequently anthologized in Richard Peabody's Grace & Gravity: Fiction by Washington Women (Paycock Press, 2004).

So you have something to say! There are many eager ears out there, in cars, on trains and planes, in waiting rooms, in kitchens, perhaps washing dishes… Audio podcasts, on-line digital files, not only serve as an important promotional tool for writers, but they can be storytelling vehicles in themselves, whether as stand-alone works or complements to text, and as such, a powerful way to reach new audiences.

Based on award-winning writer and avid podcaster C.M. Mayo's one day workshop at the Writer's Center,
this ebook provides an introduction and overview of podcasting for writers, from basic concepts to nuts-and-bolts tips.

In 10 "easy peasy" steps
(along with some "fancy schmancy" alternatives for those so inclined). Mayo shows you
how to generate and publish your unique podcast — and yes, get it onto iTunes.

Join here!
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"A man will turn over half a library to make one book" — Samuel Johnson